Q: I haven't used Equalizer for some time and now it is requesting the key code again. Why? Should't Equalizer keep the key code forever?
A: Yes, Equalizer should keep the key code forever. Equalizer was not designed to ask for the key code after some time without use. You own the license, you use Equalizer normally whenever you want, even if you want to use Equalizer once every five years. This is the idea: pasting the key code only once.

The usual reason for this problem is the use, in the same computer, of other program that deletes the Windows registry keys used by Equalizer, after some time without use. Equalizer key code is stored in Windows Registry (in accordance to Microsoft guidelines) and should never be deleted by any program other than its own uninstaller. Note: this problem is not caused by Equalizer and is not an Equalizer bug - other program, in your computer, very probably installed and configured by you, invasively deletes Equalizer data, including your personal key code.

If you use a "Registry Maintenance Utility" or similar, make sure to inform such program that Equalizer registry keys should NOT be erased, regardless of for how many days, months or years they are not used. Equalizer cannot verify what other programs do, this is not its purpose.

Versions 2.00 and newer backup your key code to your hard disk, so they are not vulnerable to other programs erasing its registry configuration data and key code. It's not technically possible to add this protection to old versions. If your version is 1.x and you can't configure the other program to avoid damaging Equalizer data, the only possible solution is to upgrade to version 2.x.
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