PLEASE NOTE: these questions are related to technical issues only. For non-technical doubts, like billing problems, prices and DAK policies, please email directly.
Q: I can't find where to place the key code. I can't see any Register button. Can you help me?
A: Please click here for your answer.
Q: What is the easiest way to upgrade?
A: Simply download and install the new version in your computer, without uninstalling the previous version. Equalizer cannot be running during the upgrade (Windows does not allow replacing files in use).
Q: How do I see my version number?
A: Please click here for your answer.
Q: Will Equalizer installation write harmful files to my system directory? Do I have to reboot after installing Equalizer? Does Equalizer have spywares?
A: No, no and no. Equalizer does not write harmful files anywhere in your computer, does not have spywares and is not adware. Equalizer setup does not require a reboot.
Q: Does Equalizer main screen accept Drag & Drop?
A: Yes. This the easiest way of adding files to the file list, in our opinion. All source files must be in the same folder.
Q: When playing a song in Equalizer, I experience a delay between 1 and 2 seconds when adjusting levels or enabling/disabling the Fix buttons. Is this normal?
A: Yes. All programs that work in frequency domain have some delay, but Equalizer 2.x uses increased precision in low frequencies and this requires processing bigger chunks of data, increasing such delay between control changes and effects.
Q: Equalizer 2.02 displays the meters normally during Play, so I can adjust all sliders properly. However, when I Process one or more files the meters are inactive and only the horizontal slider displays the progress. Is this a bug?
A: No, this is not a bug, this is intentional and specific to version 2.02 only. Displaying the meters is essential only during the Play operation, to let you adjust your settings. During Process, however, the lights have cosmetic purpose only, as you cannot adjust anything while processing. Because the meters are CPU intensive, they adversely affect some operational aspects of the program, including maximum processing speed. Version 2.02 displays the meters during Play only. In version 2.02, the meters remain black during Process. The newer version 2.03 displays new visualizations in the meter controls during Process.
Q: I haven't used Equalizer for some time and now it is requesting the key code again. Why? Should't Equalizer keep the key code forever?
A: Please click here for your answer.
Q: How can I process many files in sequence? When I try to add new files to the list, the old files disappear.
A: Please click here for your answer.
Q: The 32 Hz slider does not work in my Equalizer.
A: Please click here for your answer.
Q: I love PDF format. Does Equalizer have PDF documentation?
A: Yes. In Windows taskbar, click the All Programs button, then the DAK shortcut, then Equalizer Version 2 and finally "User Guide (pdf)". The PDF documentation will open, with hyperlinks and bookmarks list.